Alpha Bio zubni implanti su najpovoljnija I najkvalitenija zamena za zube koji Vam nedostaju. Usled nedostatka zuba, hrana koja je nekada imala tako dobar ukus možda više ne deluje prijatno; razgovori sa kolegama mogu postati neprijatniji jer brinete o izgledu zbog osmeha. Srećom za one kojima je potreban blistav osmeh pun samopouzdanja I veća efikasnost žvakanja, postoji rešenje: Alpha Bio Zubni Implanti!
Alpha Bio je deo Nobel Biocare korporacije svetki poznate kompanije po kvalitetnim I dugotrajnim zubnim implantima. Stomatološka ordinacija Dentalux u saradnji sa Alpha bio kompanijom nudi zubne implante renomiranog brenda po promotivnoj ceni od 295€. Dugogodišnjom saradnjom sa njima uspeli smo da vam omogućimo najpovoljniju cenu zubnih implanta u Srbiji! Ova ponuda je ograničena i važi za prvih 100 implanta.
Alpha bio implanti pružaju jaku osnovu i trajno će nadoknaditi vaš izgubljeni zub, istovremeno osiguravajući da vaš implant izgleda I funkcioniše potpuno isto kao I zdrav zub. Zubni implanti su novi „zlatni standard“ za ljude sa gubitkom zuba. Implantati pružaju snažne temelje koji izgledaju poput zuba bez ikakvih ograničenja, pružajući vam mogućnosti da zamenite zube koji nedostaju i ponovo se nasmešite!
Zubni implantati su, za razliku od ostalih opcija kao što su proteze ili mostovi, trajni i laki za održavanje. Oni će osigurati vaš zdrav osmeh, kao i dobru sposobnost žvakanja do kraja vašeg života.
– Dental implants are permanent and require minimal routine maintenance. It will last for the rest of your life giving you a healthy smile that resists time. Dentalux dental practice gives a lifetime warranty on dental implants!
– Unlike other dental options such as artificial teeth (dentures) or bridges, there are no restrictions on chewing food due to the lack of space between them. Patients reported that they could eat anything after they had dental implants!
Anyone who wants to replace a missing tooth can get Alpha Bio dental implants. The whole process from consultation to installation takes a short time and the procedure is completely painless.
Dental implants are a long-term investment in the health and health of your teeth. Implants are a justified investment as they significantly facilitate daily food consumption and beautify your smile. The price of the Alpha bio dental implant is currently only € 295 And after 100 implants, we will return the price to the old one.
If you do not have any teeth, use the promotional price to get 4 implants and a temporary bridge that is fixed at a good price of only € 1,880.
Affordable and high-quality dental implants with a lifetime warranty, are a click away!
All on 4 odvija se u dve faze I potrebno je da prođe određeni vremenski period izmešu poseta.
Prva faza: U prvoj poseti se izvade svi zubi, postave 4 implantata i napravi privremeni most koji je fiksiran pomocu šrafova (ne skida se). Cena prve faze zavisi od implanta koje izaberete:
Promo Cena all on 4 sa Alpha Bio implantima za prvu fazu je 3.000€ 1.880€.
Druga faza: Posle 4 meseca se napravi definitivan most koji je šrafovima fiksiran za zubne implante
Promo Cena all on 4 sa Alpha Bio implantima za drugu fazu je 1.900€ 1.590€.
1. After you get in touch with us, we will send you instructions for 3D recording.
2. You come to the dental examination exclusively with a 3D image, and if it is possible to install an implant, we will schedule an appointment for the intervention. On that occasion, you pay only 50%, which means that you practically reserved the implant at a promotional price. The action is limited by the number of implants.
3. You arrive at the scheduled time to have the implants installed and then you pay the remaining amount of 50%
Stomatološka ordinacija Dentalux se nalazi u Beogradu, na Vračaru i medju stalno zaposlenim ekspertima je: Dr Zoran Stajić, specijalista Oralne Hirurgije.
He graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Belgrade. He completed his postgraduate studies in implantology and periodontology at the School of Dentistry in New York, USA. He completed his specialization in oral surgery at the Faculty of Dentistry in Belgrade. Apart from oral surgery, he also deals with other branches of dentistry. He received professional training both in the United States and in Europe. He was one of the first to start using lasers in dentistry to a greater extent in our country. He completed training in the application of lasers in dentistry in Israel and the United States. He is a member of the American Academy of Laser Dentistry and a regular participant in their congresses.